A 9 letter word, which could be used as noun, idiom or adjective in different contexts. But is it so simple to understand this one word which is the base of any kind of existence of any biological/non-biological family of any existing/non-existing creation of the Almighty.
Not to make it complex or not just to brush it up, I would like to quote Human's as an example here. A birth is celebrated in any society whatsoever it may be, because it has taken the relations inside that close social group to the next and a bit complex level, with the introduction of few new terms in the family like Grand Father(दादा जी), Grand Mother( दादी जी), Aunts( ताई जी, चाची
जी, बुआ जी, मौसी जी, मामी जी और भी कई अन्य विशेषण और रिश्ते), Uncles (ताऊ जी, चाचा जी, फूफा जी , मामा जी, मौसा जी), Brothers & Sister's(भाई और बहने ऐसे ही कई अन्य रिश्ते....) and most important for the new member Mother & Father( माँ और पिताजी )In our culture relations are quite complex and it takes a life time for a person to understand these few to say but many to understand relations and as complex is the importance for each of these respective relations. I won't be wasting much of all of our's precious time by diving into details of all these relations.. But a person has to carry on with these as s/he carries his/her skin...
There are two types of relations, one that you have with your birth and one
that you make...
Here my emphasis would be on the one's that a person chooses for themselves...
Friendship, Love, Life partner and the most important one whether to bring an offspring into this world or not..
Friend as is so righteously said, 'A friend in need is a friend indeed', but with changing times, it has changed a lot and nowadays, the same has been remodeled into, "A friend in deed is a friend indeed'. We do a lot for a person whom we call our friend and in turn as a human tendency we start expecting something in turn, but we should not, cos the time that we spend together with this person whom we term as freind, is the reward, just like the nectar of a flower which a Hummer eyes for.. Similarly we should not hurt the social enigma around someone but should be content enough with the time the both parties have spent with each other, discussing a lot many things, Health, Political, Erotic, Simple and Sensitive issues.. At times there are situations wherein only tears could give you a bit comfort for all other inopportune issues there are friends.
A lot is expected from this one relation, which is a necessity for any human being today, the closest friends are the family members and the nearest of them all is your life partner.. And as said above we should also keep a free space in this relation as well, else God only can tell what may or may not happen in life. But we should be optimistic in life and should keep in our minds how things must progress on any new relation that we seek. And a very important decision of bringing an offspring into the family should be taken jointly by a couple and at the right time too. It is a different and difficult situation but if one believes in, 'together we can and together we will' any couple would love to be called proud parents. Be cool and enjoy every relation that you are in or that is there around you. Righteously said, "A relation is long lasting bond, the far you would move from it, the closer it would bring you."

There are two types of relations, one that you have with your birth and one

Here my emphasis would be on the one's that a person chooses for themselves...
Friendship, Love, Life partner and the most important one whether to bring an offspring into this world or not..
Friend as is so righteously said, 'A friend in need is a friend indeed', but with changing times, it has changed a lot and nowadays, the same has been remodeled into, "A friend in deed is a friend indeed'. We do a lot for a person whom we call our friend and in turn as a human tendency we start expecting something in turn, but we should not, cos the time that we spend together with this person whom we term as freind, is the reward, just like the nectar of a flower which a Hummer eyes for.. Similarly we should not hurt the social enigma around someone but should be content enough with the time the both parties have spent with each other, discussing a lot many things, Health, Political, Erotic, Simple and Sensitive issues.. At times there are situations wherein only tears could give you a bit comfort for all other inopportune issues there are friends.

क्यूँ कहता है कि कोई नहीं अपना यहाँ,
तुने ख़ुद कि पहचान है बनाई कैसे कहाँ,
इंसान कहना ख़ुद को आसान होता जो अगर,
तो तू रिश्तों के भंवर में न फंसा होता यहाँ ...
तुने ख़ुद कि पहचान है बनाई कैसे कहाँ,
इंसान कहना ख़ुद को आसान होता जो अगर,
तो तू रिश्तों के भंवर में न फंसा होता यहाँ ...