I was five years old and has just started going to school, learning about my basic human rights and ways to be identified as a social animal.... haven't heard of many things till that time like genocide and mass human burials as I was still a toddler who has recently started attending classes on acquiring knowledge which would help me in being a learned pupil, a student of life and its teachings!
Many aghast and unbelievable events happened in the first year of my early education and I was still a child... a little kid unaware of many malpractices that grown ups were indulged in... I was supposed to become one as I grew up... Here comes a moment when I could join this society and live like people are living, but here comes a moment of self-realization, here I stand with my head held high, a striking similar pose of standing for our national anthem...
The irony of my education was to deliver a student to the current society who could say right from wrong and vice versa, not just follow the stock and brood about the daily mitigation strategies. I beg to differ and would like to say 'SORRY', to all who would feel offended and would find themselves on the other side of this piece of my mind, I would like to tell them, 'Sorry, but this is how I feel about it'!People in and around the shanties of Union Carbide India Limited Pesticide plant in Bhopal, were a happy living stock completely unaware of the accomplice of the night, the date was 2nd of December, 1984...
The dawn of death, the morning light brought a vivid and horrific picture of death to reality, 'I think had it been fortunate not to be amongst many who were immovable and were moved to cemeteries directly or to some mortuaries and than to group incineration's, as they could not be claimed, whole families have been bid farewell to the ghats (A TOTAL OF 25000 DEATHS) or unfortunate to be amongst the living (ABOUT 100,000 SERIOUSLY AFFECTED) who could see it all, but could not die.... still with death being inevitable due to the after-effects of the methyl isocyanate (MIC) that leaked from the UCIL plant in some form or other affecting so harshly that it was considered better to be dead....' by the time it was lunch in the poshest and safest of offices in the state government or central government or offices all over India, it was already termed as the worst ever industrial disaster, has it ever been calculated how many office hours and man hours have been lost on that day and since that day in discussions over this dismal tragedy which could have been averted, if the government would have kowtowed the policies of the strongest of lawyers, Nehru and Gandhi the founder of this independent nation, which bowed to the undue pressure of foreign investment or slipped with a little bribe $200,000 for fast-tracking the registration of their controversial pesticide Dursban in India which DOW Chemical cleared from its lap by paying a civil penalty of $325,000 in the USA.
The then CEO Warren Anderson was flown in on 7 December, 1984 as State Guest to India and after a drama of mock arrest was followed with tea at the UCIL guest house Bhopal, and than was flown out of the nation with the same honors.... today he is 90 and still living, I think he is still living just to see what happens next.... or by our beliefs is he suffering in his silence for the absence of his actions that should have been taken around the time when he was here amidst the worst ever mockery of Indian Judiciary.... I would like to quote Gandhi from his talisman which were a part of my textbooks from NCERT about what one should do before taking any step which could affect someone's life, “Recall the face of the poorest and weakest man you have seen, and ask yourself if this step you contemplate is going to be any use to him.” And what Mr. Anderson did in the face of death all around him, so much opposite to 'the one' Mr. Anderson from the Mega Hit 'MATRIX'.... Is he buried under some sort of guilt or is he waiting for his turn to face the gallows of death succeeding the after effects of UCIL Leakage.... I would like to say it loudly, Mr. Anderson, Death is inevitable! People so massacred in 1984 are waiting to meet you and you cannot keep yourself away from those souls departed.... you have to face them one fine day.... No one would be able to save you from those eyes which are waiting to see who actually is this, 'Mr. Anderson'.... Alas our media could not reach those who are a part of it now forever.... the souls departed, but the bond remains and so remains those gory memories of dead's lying all over and across fields.... Could you after closing your eyes, remove the following image from your mind

It could have been prevented many say in the aftermaths of this tragedy, but were the necessary steps have been taken while this company was in production, this day could not have seen the dawn... A lot needs to done, just not the words, but some action!
I would like to request the Human side of all the people who so ever get to read this, it is not an outcry for justice to the people who are still suffering the pains that came as a immortal parcel delivered on 3rd of December to the poor people, but it indeed is a rightful demand for justice to the lost souls 25,000 for a number, but in reality a whole generation has been wiped out, and the unfortunate living ones who are still bearing the burdens of that day... A stark contrast to what a country like U.S.A could do if less than 10% of total deaths, War on Terrorism... Can we not declare a war on DOW Chemicals, on Mr. Anderson who is somewhat on the positive side of Osama Bin Laden in terms of age...
It is a personal request to our Honorable President Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil Ji, Honorable Vice President. Mohammad Hamid Ansari Ji, our Honorable Prime Minster Manmohan Singh Ji, all our Oppositions Leaders in the current Lok Sabha, Smt. Sonia Gandhi Ji and all the leaders in the current ruling coalition at the Centre, the current ruling BJP in Madhya Pradesh, in fact every Indian and all human beings who could think of any ways to help the cause of getting the justice delivered to the souls and the pain that has been the soul mate to the survivors of the worst ever industrial disaster in the history of mankind...
Do we also need a George Bush or a Barack Obama in succession to fight off this war... Will Mr. Rahul Gandhi and his whole infantry of young politicians step in and the new brigade of young Turks from the opposition could carry on this fight in case the Central Government is reigned in by the next term Polls... Would there be a rhetoric demand for justice, demand for life, demand for the equanimity of human rights from us who all are least effected by the daylight at the break of dawn on 3rd of December... The Dawn of Death